A Word of Encouragement
The race has had much advice. We are loth to add to the
same. And, yet, we dare assert that the solution of the
so called race problem is not conditioned upon any one
thing, but rather upon the wise use of all the elements
of strength which have energized the advance and
prosperity of all other races and peoples. As a word of
encouragement, we give two extracts, one each, from the
writings of two of the purest and ablest men this race
of ours has yet produced.
The learned late Rev. Dr. Alexander Crummell, in writing
of the "Destined Superiority of the Negro," uses these
stimulating and most helpful words:
"You need not entertain the shadow of a doubt that the
work which God hath begun and is now carrying on, is for
the elevation and success of the Negro. This is the
significance and the worth of all effort and all
achievement, of every signal providence, in this cause;
or, otherwise all the labors of men and all the
mightiness of God is vanity. Nothing, believe me, on
earth; nothing brought from perdition, can keep back
this destined advance of the Negro race. Xo conspiracies
of men nor of devils. The slave trade could not crush
them out. Slavery, dread, direful, and malignant, could
only stay it for a time. But now it is coming, coming, I
grant through dark and trying events, but surely coming.
The Negro, black, curly headed, despised, repulsed,
sneered at is nevertheless a "vital being, and
irrepressible. Everywhere on earth has been given him,
by the Almighty, assurance, self-assertion, and
influence. The rise of two Negro States within a
century, feeble though they be, has a bearing upon this
subject. The numerous emancipations, which now leave not
more than a chain or two to be un-fastened, have,
likewise, a deep moral significance. Thus, too, the rise
in the world of illustrious Negroes as Tousant
L'Ouverture, Henry Christophe, Benjamin Banneker,
Eustace, the Philanthropist, Stephen Allan Benson, and
Bishop Crowther.
With all these providential indications in our favor,
let us bless God and take courage. Casting aside
everything trifling and frivolous, let us lay hold of
every element of power, in the brain; in literature, in
art, and science; in industrial pursuits; in the soil,
in cooperative association; in mechanical ingenuity; and
above all, in the religion of our God; and so march on
in the path of progress to that superiority and eminence
which is our rightful heritage, and which is evidently
the promise of our God."
A fit companion with Dr. Crummell, is the great scholar
and giant in character, the late Bishop Daniel A. Payne,
founder of Wilberforce University, in Ohio, and
Historian of die African Methodist Episcopal Church.
Paraphrasing the words 'African Methodist Episcopal
Church," in the closing page of his history of that
Church, we reproduce the same, as follows:
"And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the Lord
appeared to Abram, and said unto him: I am the Almighty
God; walk before me, and be thou perfect."
"We cannot do better than to echo this command, and save
to all and every man, woman and child of the race, as
individual elements in it, and to the aggregated whole:
The Almighty God, is thy God, who has led thee on from
one degree of strength to another until thou hast
attained a little productive power. Do not be proud of
it, for pride does not become mortal man. Do not boast
of it, for boast-ing is the breath of pride. Remember
that God looks at the proud afar off. Rather be modest,
be humble, be grateful, be obedient, be loving, be
faithful, and He, the Al-mighty God of Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob, will raise thee to a higher plane of
strength, of power, of usefulness, and consequent
greatness. Listen to Him as Abraham listened, when He
says unto thee, Colored People, I am the Almighty God,
walk before me, and be thou perfect.' Be thou perfect in
every one of thy members, be thou perfect in every one
of thy departments, and I will make thee to multiply
exceedingly; and I will make thee exceedingly fruitful;'
'and I will establish my covenant between me and thee
and thy seed after thee in their generations, for an
everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee and thy seed
after thee.'
Listen, Colored People, listen, and when thou hearest,
obey the command of the Lord God Almighty, when He says:
'Walk before me, and be thou perfect.' 'I have formed
thee, and I have led two generations of thine; I can, I
will, I shall, lead a thousand generations further and
higher than I have led thee and thine. Only walk before
me, as Abram did, and with me as Enoch did.' Fear not, I
am thy shield and thy exceeding great reward.' 'Walk
before me, and be thou perfect.' "
Biographies | Maryland
Source: Gazetteer of Maryland,
by Henry Gannett, Washington, Government Printing
Office, 1904.