Part of the American History & Genealogy Project


Principal Dates in the History of Maryland

1579. George Calvert, first Lord Baltimore, born.


1606. Cecilius Calvert born.

1632. April 15. George Calvert died.
1632. June 20. Cecilius Calvert receives the charter of Maryland.
1633. November 22. The Ark and the Dove sail from England.
1634. March 25. The first settlers arrive in Maryland.
1635. The first General Assembly.
1635. Seizure of Claiborne's ships.
1638. Kent Island awarded to Lord Baltimore.
1644. Claiborne and Ingle's rebellion.
1648. Claiborne and Ingle driven from the colony.
1649. April 21. The Toleration Act passed.
1649. Puritans settle in Maryland.
1649. Providence or Annapolis founded.
1654. Puritans get control of the government.
1655. The battle of the Severn.
1658. End of the Puritan revolt.
1675. November 30. Cecilius Calvert died.
1689. The Proprietary government overthrown.
1691. Maryland becomes a royal colony.
1695. First post route established.
1696. King William School founded.


1715. The Proprietary government restored.
1727. First newspaper published.
1730. Baltimore founded.
1745. Frederick founded.
1760. Northern boundary agreed upon.
1763-67. Mason and Dixon's line surveyed.
1769. Hagerstown founded.
1771. Death of Frederick, the last Lord Baltimore
1774. October 19. The Peggy Stewart burned.
1776. June 24. The end of the Colonial Government.
1776. June 28. Maryland concurs in declaring independence.
1776. August 14. First Constitutional
1777. February 5. First General Assembly of the State of Maryland.
1781. March 1. Maryland ratifies the Articles of Confederation.
1782. Washington College founded.
1783. The importation of slaves forbidden.
1784. The remainder of the northern boundary surveyed.
1785. St. John's College chartered.
1788. April 28. Maryland ratifies the Constitution of the United States.
1795. Earliest labor strike in Maryland.
1796. Baltimore incorporated.


1802. The property qualification for the franchise abolished.
1807. The University of Maryland chartered.
1808. Rise of home manufactures in Maryland.
1812. Chesapeake Bay declared blockaded.
1814. August 24. The battle of Bladensburg.
1814. August 30. The battle of Caulk's Field.
1814. September 12. The battle of North Point.
1825. Enfranchisement of the Jews.
1825. Beginning of the Public School system.
1828. July 4. The corner-stone of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad laid in Baltimore.
1829. September 21. The first Public School in Baltimore opened.
1830. First steam locomotive used on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.
1835. The State invests in the stock of corporations.
1839. October 20. The Baltimore City College opened.
1842. Suspension of interest payments.
1844. The Baltimore Female High Schools established.
1844. The Maryland Historical Society founded.
1848. Resumption of interest payments.
1856. The Maryland Agricultural College founded.
1861. April 19. Baltimore mob attacks Federal troops.
1862. First invasion of Maryland by the Confederates.
1862. September 17. The battle of Antietam.
1863. Second invasion of Maryland.
1864. Third invasion of Maryland.
1864. Slavery abolished.
1865. The State Normal School founded.
1867. The rights of citizenship restored to Southern sympathizers.
1867. The present State Constitution adopted.
1870. Colored men vote for the first time.
1876. February 22. The Johns Hopkins University opened.
1877. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad strike.
1890. Adoption of the secret ballot system.


1904. Great fire in Baltimore.

Maryland AHGP


Source: History of Maryland, by L. Magruder Passano, Wm. J.C. Dulany Company, 1901.


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